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since 1994
the high quality
in software development

healthcare software solution
- ease of distribution and updating: the update done on the server is automatically available to all users
- cross-platform access: access to the application is independent of the hardware and operating system used by users
- reduction in operating costs: the use of intranet / internet as an application infrastructure greatly reduces both connectivity costs and client management costs
- scalability: the application can grow together with the needs of the company without any particular problems
- data availability: the Web-Based infrastructure makes the application usable by an unlimited number of users, each specifically authorized and profiled
Information system for healthcare
A completely web-based software platform for the management and reporting of clinical and administrative data
S.I.Ge.S. lets you to follow the whole journey of the patient in a simple and effective way from acceptance to diagnosis

for vending
GD Vending Software Solution
Vending Software Solutions
GD has been the IT solution for dozens of people for over 25 years vending companies (over 200 in Italy) per automate the provision of food and drink to the public
With the help of portable terminals and smartphones you can save precious timeor in routine daily operations and to focus on the activities that really do business
to have
everything under control
- customers, sales points, suppliers
- operators, technicians, commercial
- deposits, vans, standard product loads
- Vending machines, brands, models, accessories, payment systems, coin counting, telemetry systems
- single products, kits, supplies
- price lists, subscriptions, fees
- geographical areas and positions, statistical categories, commission profiles
- refueling, commercial, field maintenance and workshop activities, spare parts
- direct and indirect costs and revenues also on the individual customer, site, vending machine
- crm activities, communication campaigns, tele-marketing, mailing, faxing, commercial activities, questionnaires etc.

guarantee of success
Target Informatica makes it available to its users twenty-year professional experience gained in having dealt with and resolved all the problems concerning the creation, marketing and support of information systems, with particular reference to software development in the Microsoft environment, research and integration of innovative hardware
Past and present success of the achievements Target Informatica in the various sectors of information technology, constitutes the best guarantee for the future business of its users

full support
of your solutions
Shaping the ideas of its users is, among the services offered, the one in which the Target Informatica is at its best. Starting from an idea, an unresolved problem, we can go as far as creating and marketing a successful software product
Target Informatica organizes, manages and supplies help desk, assistance and tele-assistance services in support of users of any own realization
remarkable experiences
In addition to product development for healthcare S.I.Ge.S. and the ERP platform for the vending sector GD Vending Software Solution, Target Informatica has taken care of, among others, the following achievements:
- TeleCorr, application for data collection acquired electronically from vending machines, payment and telemetry systems, aimed to managing the storage and electronic transmission of fees (Italian tax law)
- GCM - Mutual Fund Management for the management of the activities of the Mutual Fund of the Mi.p.a.a.f. Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies
- FLASH and FLASH UP, on behalf of N&W Global Vending Spa (Evoca Group), a product for the direct management of automatic food distribution machines, distributed nationally and internationally
- LABELAB, on behalf of N&W Global Vending Spa (Evoca Group), a product for printing descriptive labels for automatic food dispensing machines, Labelab is distributed nationally and internationally
- Wittenborg Configurator, on behalf of N&W Global Vending Spa (Evoca Group), a product for the direct management of automatic food distribution machines

Target Informatica makes it available to its users over twenty years of professional experience gained in the having faced and solved innumerable problems concerning the creation, marketing and support of information systems, research and integration of innovative hardware
why choose
our software
Because if you buy one of our software, you buy a finished, independent product, you can dispose of it without time limits and you can use it on your systems without having to pay a cloud fee
Your data is always safe because it remains in your hands
Why Target Informatica, Microsoft partner since 1997, it is one of the Italian companies that can guarantee absolute consistency with the most recent Microsoft specifications
Because we follow the continuous progress of operating environments through direct partnerships with the leaders of the international IT landscape in order to achieve increasingly powerful applications but at the same time always easy to use
Because we provide total assistance and support service to update our products based on customer requests and technological developments
Based on Law 124/2017 on transparency and advertising sI inform you that in the 2020 financial year, in addition to the aid and contributions from Public Administrations which are published in the National Transparency Register, this company also received:
- Type of contribution: Tax credit for rental of properties for non-residential use and business rent
- Reference legislation: Art. 28 DL n. 34/2020
- name and tax code of the lending entity: Revenue Agency CF 06363391001
- grant date: 07/15/2020 – Amount disbursed: €1,663.58
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