News Pick & TrackApp

Pick & TrackApp - Types of activities available

Available on Pick & TrackApp some types of activities to try, adopt and modify at will according to your specific needs Home assistancePicking base Bordero deliveriesTravel arrangementsFire inspectionMeter readingReference listCustomer orderOrder supplierRatio thermal groupsRegistration of event participantsKilometric reimbursementAccident cardBurner diagramsGPS harnesses All about PickandTracking

New Pick&TrackApp product

Target Informatica presents Pick & TrackApp a new professional application for handling, inventorying, tracking goods, products, resources Pick & TrackApp is a professional mobile application that can be configured to record information relating to picking, inventorying, moving, tracking of goods, products, resources in general and monitoring of activities related to a workflow also through the punctual reading of barcodes, QRcodes,  >

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